Find great deals on eBay for virgin mary stone statue. Shop with confidence.
This statue of Mary was cast in 1957. It has been placed a top a hill at Pat McGuires ranch for over 30 years. the statue was very weathered after all these years, loosing her nose at some point.
Find great deals on eBay for statue mary. Shop with confidence.
Mary & Our Lady Statues We have several wonderful statue designs of our heavenly Mother Mary for use in both indoor and outdoor settings. You will surely find a statue representation among the hundreds of statues here that will speak especially to you!
Emsco Group offers a complete statuary line, and one of their most popular designs is the Virgin Mary Statue. The Virgin Mary Statue is made of durable and lightweight resin, which creates a rich and textured stone appearance that makes the statue look realistic and concrete.
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Sorrowful Blessed Virgin Mary At The Crucifixion Outdoor Garden Church Statue – 67 Inch – Fiberglass $2,500.00 MARY-OUTDOOR-STATUES-F7682
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