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St. Louis, MO 63111 … Saint Louis Ornamental Stone | St Louis, MO 63123. 6641 Weber Rd St Louis, MO 63123. … Domestic and wildlife statues … Saint Louis Ornamental Stone … Saint Statues & Statuary – Used Church Items. Jesus Statues, Joseph, Mary, Saints and Angels Statuary for Sale. … Gorgeous-Saint-Mary-Statue. Immaculate-Heart-of …
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We offer a large selection of new, vintage and antique church items, including: marble, plaster & fiberglass statues, altars, stations of the cross, candlesticks, tabernacles, crucifixes, nativities, altarware, monstrances, pedestals and artwork. Statues Plus is centrally located in St. Louis, MO, and we can arrange shipping to anywhere in the continental United States.
+ Images in this gallery show many of the antique statuary items (Mary, Angels, Saints and Jesus statues) we have for sale. + We can arrange delivery across the country via freight services. + We buy used statues of saints, angels, Jesus, Mary, etc., and entire church contents confidentially.
Restoring religious statues and art is more than a job at Restorations Plus. It’s our core mission and lifelong passion. Day in and out, we’re committed to the detailed restoration of the wonderful Religious Statuary with which we have the privilege of working. In our endeavor to save this Art, we buy to preserve and we sell to share.
Mary Statues. Mary statues and artwork also invite the prayers and petitions of our Blessed Mother into your household. Statues of Mary and other Marian artwork have been known to invoke particular graces when set in places of honor. A Mary statue or figurine creates a wonderful conversational piece and adds a peerless quality of beauty to your home.
Statues Mary Statues Saint Statues Corpus, … Artwork. Angels. Christ. Custom Wood Reliefs. … Catholic Education
Garden Statues & Saint Figurines. Choose from our selection of Catholic outdoor statues such as angel garden statues, Mary garden statues, or Jesus garden statues. There are also outdoor religious statues and figurines of popular Catholic garden patron saints, such as St. Francis of Assisi and St. Rose of Lima.
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