Indoor and outdoor Catholic statues for your Home and Church. We offer statues of Jesus, St. Joseph, Blessed Virgin Mary, Angels, and Patron Saints. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, otherwise shop in confidence – we deliver directly from the manufacturing plant to lower the overall costs of our beautiful statues.
Sine Cera Catholic Gifts, LLC is a direct importer of quality, traditional Catholic religious goods and gifts, to include statues, crucifixes, rosaries, rosary bracelets and more.
Catholic statue designs and figurines of our heavenly Mother Mary can be found here for your use in both indoor and outdoor settings such as your garden. Take a look at the many favorite subjects of the Blessed Mother incuding Our Lady of Grace statue, Immaculate Heart of Mary statue, Our Lady of Fatima statue, statue of Our Lady of Mount …
Mary statues and artwork also invite the prayers and petitions of our Blessed Mother into your household. Statues of Mary and other Marian artwork have been known to invoke particular graces when set in places of honor. A Mary statue or figurine creates a wonderful conversational piece and adds a peerless quality of beauty to your home.
Finest Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints, and Angels Outdoor or Indoor Catholic Church Size Statues for Church, Home or Garden Since 1985 Providing the Finest Roman Catholic Christian Statues, Plaques, Pedestals, Brackets, Church Size Statuary, and Church Supply . Click on photos or links in each section bellow to view different statues:
“Catholics worship statues!” People still make this ridiculous claim. Because Catholics have statues in their churches, goes the accusation, they are violating God’s commandment: “You shall not make for yourself a graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow down to them or …
Jesus Statues, Joseph, Mary, Saints and Angels Statuary for Sale. We have the catholic passion for quality historical statues… preserved in one giant warehouse. Call or schedule a visit! + Images in this gallery show many of the antique statuary items (Mary, Angels, Saints and Jesus statues) we have for sale.
Statues Mary Statues Saint Statues Corpus, Crucifix Jesus Statues Angels Pope Statues Bronze Sculptures Infant of Prague Statues Holy Family Marble Statues Mosaic
Find great deals on eBay for Catholic Statues of Mary in Religion and Spirituality Statues. Shop with confidence.
Religious statues and figurines are wonderful visual reminders of faith and beauty. Whether it's St. Francis nestled in the garden or an angel to watch over you, these holy reminders of our Catholic faith will add inspiration to any indoor/outdoor decor.
Indoor Large Multi Color Marble Altar Catholic for Church Decoration
Hot Selling Natural Marble Our Lady of Lourdes Statue Factory Direct CHS-784
White Marble Virgin Mary Statue blessing Carving Sculpture for church decor
Religious Statues White Marble Jesus Statue with Cross for Church decor
Factory Direct Supply Bronze Jesus Statue Christian Decoration
Directly Factory Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary Statue for Sale
Religious White Marble Pulpits for Sale Large Variety In Stock Now
White Marble Jesus Kneeling Praying Statue Home Decor Figurine Christian for Sale CHS-295
Custom Made Catholic Marble Religious Altar Table for Sale CHS-613
Custom Natural Marble Blessed Virgin Mary Statue Suppliers CHS-766
Catholic Holy Family Statues of Mary Joseph and Jesus for Sale CHS-773