Find great deals on eBay for nun statue. Shop with confidence.
Mary statues by great masters such as Michelangelo and his Pieta have been visited and studied by millions. Owning a quality replica of such Mary artwork invites a piece of history and nostalgia into your home.
Mary & Our Lady Statues We have several wonderful statue designs of our heavenly Mother Mary for use in both indoor and outdoor settings. You will surely find a statue representation among the hundreds of statues here that will speak especially to you!
Religious statues and figurines are wonderful visual reminders of faith and beauty. Whether it's St. Francis nestled in the garden or an angel to watch over you, these holy reminders of our Catholic faith will add inspiration to any indoor/outdoor decor.
St. Joseph the Worker Home Sale Kit …been associated with the selling of real estate. Families throughout the world bury small statues of him in their lawns for assistance in selling their homes.
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Catholic Statues. Catholic Family Catalog's line of beautiful statues includes many statues of Jesus, Mary and the Saints. We list the statues by category at the top of the page and individually in alphabetical order about a 1/4 of the way down the page.
Indoor and Outdoor Statues for homes and institutions. Come visit and see. You'll be glad you found us.
Here is a recent estate find. the statue stands approximately 5" tall and measures approximately 1 1/2" wide at his elbows. vintage miraculous virgin mary our lady of grace holy catholic religious statue figure.
Catholic Art & Statues. Catholic Family Catalog's beautiful art and statue line includes: Jesus Statues, Mary Statues, Saints Statues, Outdoor Garden Statues, Church statues, Catholic Framed Art, Art Prints, Italian Imported Art, William Bouguereau, etc.
Life Size Marble Jesus Sculpture Church Decor for Sale CHS-862
Large Catholic Marble Sacred Heart Jesus Statue Wholesale CHS-812
Natural Stone White Marble Virgin Mary holding Jesus Christ statues Carving Sculpture for Sale
Large Outdoor Religious Jesus open hands Statue for Outdoor Decor
Where to Buy Blessed Outdoor Mother Mary Statue for School Decor CHS-272
Hand Opened Outdoor White Marble Virgin Mary Statue Hot Sale