1-16 of over 1,000 results for "holy statues" George S. Chen Imports SS-G-212.07 Holy Family Jesus Mary Joseph Religious Figurine Decoration, 12" by George S. Chen Imports
Statues of Mary the Blessed Mother have been known to invoke particular … George S. Chen Imports 12-Inch Pieta Holy Jesus Virgin Mary Religious Figurine by George S. Chen Imports
Holy Family Statue Baby Jesus the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph Home Decor Gift See more like this Roman Inc. “The Holy Family” nativity statue – Millenium Series #8J1135
Find great deals on eBay for Religious Statues Stone. Shop with confidence.
Stone religious statues hand crafted and hand painted by the Sisters of the monastic family of Bethlehem. Religious statues in the unique style of the Bethlehem Sisters inspired by the prayer. Religious statues in the unique style of the Bethlehem Sisters inspired by the prayer.
“Artistry in Stone” best describes the ability of our carvers to transform solid blocks of granite into beautifully detailed life-like shapes from 24″ tall to more than 72″ high. The statues shown here are merely examples of the quality of our work. They represent only a small fraction of our product line and our production capabilities.
Mary statues and artwork also invite the prayers and petitions of our Blessed Mother into your household. Statues of Mary and other Marian artwork have been known to invoke particular graces when set in places of honor. A Mary statue or figurine creates a wonderful conversational piece and adds a peerless quality of beauty to your home.
We offer a wide selection of Virgin Mary Statues available in various materials: Virgin Mary Statues in resin, plaster, wood, reconstituted marble.. Our Blessed Virgin Mary statues are available in painted or natural wood, in fiberglass and in white marble, suitable for the garden.
Religious statues and figurines are wonderful visual reminders of faith and beauty. Whether it's St. Francis nestled in the garden or an angel to watch over you, these holy reminders of our Catholic faith will add inspiration to any indoor/outdoor decor. Our relgious statue and figurine collection makes great gift ideas for Church, home or any …
Factory Supply White Marble Carved Blessed Virgin Mary religious statue for Sale. Virgin Mary Statue with Her Baby Sculpture Made in China for sale. Natural White Marble Carved life size Virgin Mary Garden Statue for outdoor Decor. Outdoor Life Size Antique Cast Bronze Mother Mary Statue for Decor. Antique Bronze Holy Family Statue With Joseph …
High Quality Catholic Our Lady of Lourdes Marble Statue for Sale CHS-281
Indoor Large Multi Color Marble Altar Catholic for Church Decoration
Large Outdoor Bronze Mary Statue for Church for Sale BOKK-634
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Statue Marble Outdoor Decor for Sale CHS-833
Virgin Mary Statue with Her Baby Sculpture Made in China for sale
Custom Made Marble Fonts in a Church for indoor Decor on Sale
Large Marble Saint Peter Statue Custom Hand-carved for Sale CHS-815
Life Size White Marble Our Lady of Grace Statue for Sale CHS-765
Stations of the Cross Sculpture Marble Religious Decor for Sale CHS-854
High Quality Modern Marble Church Altar Design from Factory Supply CHS-817